Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fancy Curtians

My first attempt at real curtains turned out pretty good. In my prior post, I had picked up fabric at an outlet for $2/yd. I purchased 6 yds after tax it was about $13, then the curtain rod was $24.99 and 2 sets of curtain rings at $2.99/pack. They didn't have thread to match the material, so I went to Joann's and paid $2.95 for it. Total damage = approximately $50 including hardware...not so bad for somewhat fancy looking curtains. I've mastered blind hemming after doing 2 panels, 4 sides each. My learning experience here is that I should measure the bottom hem after it's hanging on the curtain rod every 5-6 inches across. It turns out my cuts where not exactly squared, so my ends were a little shy of touching the floor. It's ok, I don't think anyone will notice. I still have some left over fabric. I'm thinking there's enough to use as decorative trim on a basic white or cream duvet and maybe even a cover for a lumbar pillow I have.
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